In northern Brazil, a region that spreads 3,869,637.99 km2, is the culinary wasteland. And prepared based on fish, especially in the form of stews. Standing out in the state of Amazonas, pirarucu and peacock bass. Imperdívels. Testimony of indigenous culture, the dishes are accompanied, preferably by mush. In the State of Pará, is required to enjoy hake Para, the duck and tucupl tacacá.For those demands, however, a cuisine of the jungle, you can enjoy alligators, birds and wild animals, especially beef and paca. After the main meal, which often includes, turtle meat, devote yourself to the typical fruits. Enjoy ice cream açai, cupuaçu, mango, plum, soursop and Muruci, also offered in the form of sweets. A little-known specialty, even by Brazil, is the sweet buriti. Unforgettable!
prevails in the region equatorial climate with high temperatures and rainfall (rain) high.
Rivers Key
Amazon River, Rio Negro, Solimões River, river Xingu, Rio Tocantins, Rio Madeira, Jurua, White River, Tapajós River, river and river Uamutã Paru.
The North Region is an adventure tempered by the exotic food and customs typical.
Brazil nut is found in the city of Maraba, in Para is known throughout the BRAZIL and abroad as Brazil Nut.
Acai - the açai is one of the most typical Palmeiras Para food and its importance
is immense in the state. Enough to be the main meal of the popular classes.
The people of the North is a descendant of Indians, Portuguese, in addition to migrants from other Brazilian regions such as Southeast and South of the North's population according to color / race is divided into brown (69.2%), white ( 23.9%), blacks (6.2%) and Indians and Asian (0.7%).